Useful blog post!
Category: Teaching in HE
Students think they are learning less when actively learning!
important piece of research which reinforces the need to bring students on board in engaging them in active learning.
Early Career Academics’ Reflections
via Early Career Academics' Reflections
SEDA is publishing an open access book online, with a chapter released on its website every fortnight. Each time a chapter is released it will be accompanied by a blog post published on SEDA WordPress. The book is called Early Career Academics’ Reflections on Learning to Teach in Central Europe, edited by Gabriela Pleschová and Agnes Simon. This book contains case studies by participants of a new educational development programme who redesigned their course sessions to apply student-centred approaches, using innovative teaching methods and stimulate good learning.
New page – a contingency model of classroom managment in HE
Still very much a draft - comments welcome.
Stop Forcing Introverts to Speak in Class. There Are Better Ways.
Important discussion about teaching practice.