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One of my interests is the perception of time and the effect of different time modalities on our experience and behaviour - this looks like an interesting conference but I doubt if I will be able to make it:

Call for Papers
Workshop: On time. Temporal and normative ordering of mobilities
University of Siegen, Germany | September 13–14, 2018

with lectures by MONIKA BÜSCHER (Lancaster), ROB KITCHIN (Maynooth), SVEN OPITZ (Marburg)

More info:
Organizers: Claudio Coletta (Antwerp), Jörg Potthast (Siegen), Tobias Röhl (Siegen), Susann Wagenknecht (Siegen)

Temporality and normativity are interwoven with one another: Timings convey norms and norma-tive shifts. Rhythms enforce forms of life, convey-ing rules and principles. Flows of time fit experi-ence and expectation to one another producing specific versions of past, present and future. The end of time conjures up both utopian and dysto-pian visions.

Yet, while the plurality of normative orders has emerged as a crucial issue of social theory (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1999), its temporal dy-namics have received little attention so far. And while the accelerating dynamics of time (Rosa, 2015; Simmel, 1903; Benjamin, 1999; Virilio, 1997; Wajcman & Dodd, 2017) as well as the plurality of temporal orders have been recog-nized (Lefebvre, 2004), implications for theoriz-ing normative orders remain unclear. In social theory, time has been addressed as a social ordering principle (Zerubavel, 1982) emphasiz-ing the symbolic dimension and the normative aspects of social regularities. Especially with industrialization processes (Adam, 2004) clock time has been naturalized as commodified, com-pressed, colonized and controlled resource which regulates social relations. Normativity, on the other hand, is typically understood through spa-tial and static imagery, in terms of already given normative “spheres,” “reach” and “binding force.” The normativity of time, in turn, is com-monly backgrounded and kept “still” as a rather unproblematic, uncontested convention guarded by technology. By temporalizing phenomena—e.g. systems of gift exchange (Bourdieu, 1977)—a praxeological perspective questions such static views on normative orders and shows how issues of timing are integral to social practices.

To discuss the nexus of temporal and normative orders in empirical detail and with ethnographic sensibility, we propose to focus on various forms of (traffic and transport) mobility. With real-timing, punctuality and synchronization as its crucial requirements, mobility brings the plurality of temporal orders to the fore. Traffic and transport mobilities rely on and create rhythms as “active producers of realities” (Revill, 2013). Furthermore, mobile practices perform hybrid public spaces where the plurality of temporal and normative orders becomes especially palpable. In these spaces temporal and normative orders are automated, technically embedded and mobi-lized—increasingly through software and code (Kitchin and Dodge, 2011; Kitchin, in press). Consequently, being mobile and/or mobilizing others makes the plurality of normative and tem-poral orders an issue: distant spheres have to be linked, gaps to be bridged, connections forged, groups coordinated, timelines met, processes aligned etc.

Through the study of traffic and transport mobili-ties we direct attention to the intricate relations that multiple temporal and normative orders unfold in practice. Temporal and normative or-ders overlap and interfere; they support and challenge one another. We seek to develop both a normative notion of time as well as a dynamic notion of normativity: temporality as a fundamen-tal normative issue, normativity as a temporal phenomenon through and through. In so doing, we aim to reconcile a praxeological account (so-cial order as practical accomplishment) with normative notions of sociality (social order as moral order)—a notion present in proto-praxeological social theory (most prominently, ethnomethodology and interactionism) but ab-sent in most theorizing thereafter, only gaining weight again in current theorizing. With this theo-retical interest in traffic and transport mobilities, we propose to expand on recent mobility studies (e.g. Büscher, Urry, & Witchger, 2010; Cresswell, 2006; Krämer & Schindler, 2016; Jensen, 2015; Urry, 2007), for which theoretical and empirical issues are always intertwined.

To explore the nexus of temporal and normative orders, we invite papers that deal empirically and/or conceptually with the relation of norma-tive and temporal orders in the field of mobilities. Possible questions include:

Punctuality: Why is punctuality a norm frequently encountered when dealing with organized traffic and transport? Why is it still upheld despite trains, flights, ferries, cars, and busses often being late? How are different forms of mobilities linked to punctuality? What does it mean to be punctual when driving by car or travelling by plane?

Real-timeness, synchronization, anticipation, prediction/prioritization: How do different forms of temporality occur? How are they arranged and organized?

Rhythm and flow: When is rhythm enforced (rhythm as enforced discipline), when does it become a flow (rhythm as a skillful way of han-dling time)? Which forms of eurhythmia, arrhyth-mia and polyrhythmia take place? Through what kind of infrastructures?

Experience: How do experiences of time develop a normative force when we are mobile?

Control: How is the plurality of normative and temporal orders in transport and traffic moni-tored and regulated? How are temporal gaps and normative splits managed in practice?

Conflict and competing demands of time: When can issues of timing in traffic and transport help settle conflicts, when do they generate and am-plify conflict? How do they interfere?

Breakdown of orders: How to keep on track when rhythms fall apart and time estimates become obsolete? What are temporal and normative orders of breakdown and catastrophe?

Scaling: How are norms of traffic uphold over longer periods of time? How do actors scale their actions so that norms become relatively durable? What are the different scales that can be identi-fied when talking about the temporality and nor-mativity of traffic?

If you are interested in presenting a paper, please send an abstract (max. 300 words) to until 15th of February 2018.

To facilitate discussions during the workshop participants will be asked to hand in short papers (approx. 3,000–4,000 words) no later than 15th of July 2018.

Non-tenured researchers attending the workshop may apply for a refund of their travel and ac-comodation costs!

Important dates
Feb 15, 2018 - deadline for submission of abstracts (max. 300 words)
Mar 23, 2018 - notification of acceptance
Jul 15, 2018 - deadline for submission of short exploratory papers (3,000–4,000 words)
Sep 13–14, 2018 - workshop

on time

Adam, B. (2004). Time, Cambridge, Polity Press.
Benjamin, W. (1999). The Arcades Project, Cam-bridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Har-vard University Press.
Boltanski, L., & Thévenot, L. (1999). The Sociolo-gy of Critical Capacity. European Journal of Social Theory, 2(3), 359–377.
Bourdieu, P. (1977). Outline of a Theory of Prac-tice, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Büscher, M., Urry, J., & Witchger, K. (Eds.) (2010). Mobile Methods. London/New York: Routledge.
Cresswell, T. (2006). On the Move: Mobility in the Modern Western World. London/New York: Routledge.
Kitchin, R. (in press) The Realtimeness of Smart Cities. Tecnoscienza, 8(2).
Kitchin, R. and Dodge, M. (2011). Code/Space: Software and Everyday Life, Cambridge, MIT Press.
Jensen, O. B. (2015). Mobilities. London/New York: Routledge.
Krämer, H., & Schindler, L. (Eds.) (2016). Mobil-tät (Special Issue of the Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 41(1)) Wiesba-den: Springer VS.
Lefebvre, H. (2004). Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life. London/New York: Continnuum.
Revill, G. (2013). Points of Departure: Listening to Rhythm in the Sonoric Spaces of the Railway Station. The Sociological Re-view, 61 (S1), 51–68.
Rosa, H. (2015). Social Acceleration. New York: New York University Press.
Simmel, G. (1971). The Metropolis and Mental life. In Donald Levine (Ed.), Simmel: On Individuality and Social Forms (p. 324). Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Urry, J. (2007). Mobilities. Cambridge: Polity.
Virilio, P. (1997). Open Sky, London, Verso.
Wajcman, J., & Dodd, N. (Eds.) (2017). The Sociology of Speed: Digital, Organiza-tional, and Social Temporalities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zerubavel, E. (1982). The Standardization of Time: A Sociohistorical Perspective. American Journal of Sociology, 88(1), 1–23.

I write to you with exciting news! Dr. David Drake has partnered with WBECS to bring the global coaching community a groundbreaking new program called Narrative Coach.

Today, registration has opened for his 90-minute workshop called “Discover the Last Mile Technique”.

Extra sessions now available - 3pm on Dec 5th, 11pm on Dec 6th and 3pm on Dec 7th

Click here to register for this session

In this no-cost immersion experience, David Drake is going to offer you deep insights into a more holistic, experiential coaching process that you can use to uncover, understand and change what truly drives human behavior.

He will walk you through a powerful process that you can use for yourself and your clients to shift from reactive to proactive states when triggered. And, he will reveal his Rewind Process that will help you to achieve more meaningful results with your clients faster — David will show how to complete the “last mile” and go from an aspiration to meaningful action.


I recently posted on the Google+ CreativeHE community a comment in which I referred to feeling ambiguous about mindfulness - and was asked to explain.

Basically my criticism is similar to a lot of discussion involving terms like MCMindfullness being used to describe the negative, quick fix aspects of the craze for mindfulness.

Reflecting on it made me wonder what the differences is between that and  genuine approaches to mindfulness which I appreciate, in particular Thich Nhat Hanh's approach to breathing and walking meditation.

It seems to me that these are adaptations of traditional approaches to meditation, and in related areas aikido and other martial arts, which simplify and go to the core of the tradition, taking out the unnecessary and distracting elements but keeping the deep and core elements of life long practice and commitment.

As in other areas of life one of the features of the true master is that they are still learning, and in that demonstrate the long term project as opposed to a short term easy fix.



Mark Walsh is offering his on-line course for coaches, free in February - a useful set of resources:


BOC for life and executive coaches who would like to learn practical techniques and deepen their own understanding and embodied presence. It also covers group-work techniques so would be useful for group facilitators from business trainers to yoga and dance teachers.