Mick's website has a number of useful resources and now includes links to these archives which still contain useful subject specific information, reports and resources.
Apologies for cross-posting
Dear Colleagues
Have you ever wondered what happened to all those great resources accumulated over more than 10 years on the 24 UK Subject Centre websites?
The good news is that the websites of two Centres are still maintained – Economics; and Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS); and 16 other Centres have archived their websites. That leaves six which appear not to be available.
I have added a complete list with links to those still available to the resource page of my website www.mickhealey.co.uk.
Hope the list will be useful. If anyone has a link to any of the missing six sites please get in contact.
Best wishes
PS I've been amazed that the bibliographies, handouts and sets of case studies on the resources page have been downloaded almost 59,000 times in the last four years. They seem to have had as much if not more impact as my publications, which have managed fewer than 3,500 citations!
Professor Mick Healey BA PhD NTF PFHEA
Higher Education Consultant and Researcher,
Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire,
Visiting Professor University College London,
Adjunct Professor Macquarie University,
International Teaching Fellow, University College Cork,
Co-Editor International Desk Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly,
HE Academy Associate and UKPSF Accreditor.
1 Cherry Brook Gardens,
DN14 7FY, UK.
Email: mhealey@glos.ac.uk alternative: mickhealey.heconsultants@btinternet.com;
Website: www.mickhealey.co.uk;
Office/Home: +44 (0)1430 432 947;
Mobile: +44 (0)7952 095 129;
Skype: mick.healey;
For three new free publications each around 40,000 words see:
(2013) Developing and enhancing undergraduate final-year projects and dissertations
(2014) Developing research-based curricula in college-based higher education
(2014) Engagement through partnership: Students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education
For a series of international articles on undergraduate research see:
There have been almost 59,000 downloads of bibliographies and case studies from my website in the last four years
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