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via Early Career Academics' Reflections

SEDA is publishing an open access book online, with a chapter released on its website every fortnight.  Each time a chapter is released it will be accompanied by a blog post published on SEDA WordPress. The book is called Early Career Academics’ Reflections on Learning to Teach in Central Europe, edited by Gabriela Pleschová and Agnes Simon. This book contains case studies by participants of a new educational development programme who redesigned their course sessions to apply student-centred approaches, using innovative teaching methods and stimulate good learning.

  Shifting identities and blurring boundaries : the emergence of Third Space professionals in UK higher education


International Higher Education offers commentary and current information on key issues that shape higher education worldwide, from the perspective of distinguished international scholars, policymakers and informed practitioners.

Source: International Higher Education

Annie Murphy Paul: Why Teaching Someone Else is the Best Way To Learn |

One of those obvious but very powerful ideas - the Protege Effect

'via Blog this'



From: e-Learning Research [mailto:ELEARNINGRESEARCH@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Whittington, Katie
Sent: 25 June 2015 14:26
Subject: Learning: Research and Practice




Routledge would like to welcome one of our newest journals: Learning: Research and Practice. To celebrate the first published issue of Learning: Research and Practice, we have made Volume 1, Issue 1 free for the whole year!


Learning: Research and Practice aims to be the journal of choice for empirically supported learning theorisations that challenge the existing view. The intent is to support distinct and progressive research that responds to the problems of current educational practices and traditional views of learning. It seeks to publish articles that introduce innovative perspectives in due recognition of the intellectual history of the field, and grounded in empirically supported investigations of learning processes and outcomes. In recognising learning as a complex phenomenon, Learning welcomes scholarship of a variety of orientations and methodologies, drawing from, but not limited to, the psychological to the sociocultural, and the micro-genetic to the ecological.


Visit the journal’s homepage by clicking here.


Learning: Research and Practice is also looking for you to submit your paper. Click here to find out more about submission details.


We hope you enjoy!




Katie Whittington

Routledge Journals

Mick's website has a number of useful resources and now includes links to these archives which still contain useful subject specific information, reports and resources.




Apologies for cross-posting


Dear Colleagues


Have you ever wondered what happened to all those great resources accumulated over more than 10 years on the 24 UK Subject Centre websites?


The good news is that the websites of two Centres are still maintained – Economics; and Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS); and 16 other Centres have archived their websites.  That leaves six which appear not to be available.


I have added a complete list with links to those still available to the resource page of my website


Hope the list will be useful. If anyone has a link to any of the missing six sites please get in contact.


Best wishes




PS I've been amazed that the bibliographies, handouts and sets of case studies on the resources page have been downloaded almost 59,000 times in the last four years. They seem to have had as much if not more impact as my publications, which have managed fewer than 3,500 citations!


Professor Mick Healey BA PhD NTF PFHEA

Higher Education Consultant and Researcher,

Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire,
Visiting Professor University College London,

Adjunct Professor Macquarie University,

International Teaching Fellow, University College Cork,

Co-Editor International Desk Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly,

HE Academy Associate and UKPSF Accreditor.

1 Cherry Brook Gardens,
DN14 7FY, UK.


Email: alternative:;



Office/Home: +44 (0)1430 432 947;
Mobile: +44 (0)7952 095 129;
Skype: mick.healey;

For three new free publications each around 40,000 words see:


(2013) Developing and enhancing undergraduate final-year projects and dissertations


(2014) Developing research-based curricula in college-based higher education


(2014) Engagement through partnership: Students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education


For a series of international articles on undergraduate research see:


There have been almost 59,000 downloads of bibliographies and case studies from my website in the last four years



'In the top 5 in the Green League Table; committed to sustainability'

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A new issue of the IJeP, a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open access journal, is now available online at



The following articles comprise Volume 5, Number 1 of IJeP:



Instructional Articles

Preparedness Portfolios and Portfolio Studios: Supporting Self-Authoring Engineers
         Brook Sattler, University of Washington 
         Jennifer Turns, University of Washington

A Holocaust Exhibit ePortfolio: Actively Engaging
         Melissa Jordine, California State University, Fresno

Development and Sustainability of ePortfolios in Counselor Education: An Applied Retrospective
         Ann E. Luther, University of Nebraska at Omaha
         Paul Barnes, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Why ePortfolios? Student Perceptions of ePortfolio Use in Continuing Education Learning Environments
         Brad Wuetherick, Dalhousie University
         John Dickinson, University of Saskatchewan

Assessment Articles

General Education and ePortfolios: Syllabi and the Role of Faculty
         Jeffrey Appling, Clemson University
         Sarah Carson, GEL Labratories
         Andrew Dippre, Clemson University
         Ellen Gregory, Clemson University
         Megan Hembree, Clemson University
         Kaitlyn Kooi, Clemson University

         Kyle Pazzo, Clemson University
         Avery Shawen
South Carolina College of Pharmacy

Transformation Rubric for Engaged Learning: A Tool and Method for Measuring Life-Changing Experiences
         Emily Springfield, University of Michigan School of Dentristy
         Anne Gwozdek, University of Michigan School of Dentristy
         Andrew P. Smiler, Evaluation and Education Services, LLC

Technology, Policy, and Management Articles

Developing a Pathway for an Institution Wide ePortfolio Program
         Laurie Posey, The George Washington University
         Margaret M. Plack, The George Washington University
         Robert Snyder, The George Washington University
         Patricia Low Dinneen, The George Washington University
         Melissa Feuer, The George Washington University
         Andrew Wiss, The George Washington University

Reimagining Boundaries: How ePortfolios Enhance Learning for Adult Students
         Therese M. Madden, Notre Dame de Namur University

Book Review

A Review of ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios (WAC Clearinghouse, Parlor Press, 2013)
         Elizabeth Davis, University of Georgia



Please feel free to share this announcement with interested colleagues and on appropriate listservs.

Kind regards,






C. Edward Watson, Ph.D.

Director, Center for Teaching and Learning

Fellow, Institute of Higher Education

University of Georgia

Instructional Plaza North

Athens, GA  30602

Phone:  706-542-1355

FAX:  706-542-6587

Twitter:  @eddiewatson


Executive Editor

International Journal of ePortfolio (IJeP)


Executive Editor

International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (IJTLHE)