I am just completing the first session of the Open Badge Network MOOC on Open Badges.
In the medium term I intend to launch some on-line courses and host courses in my local community and will build some of those courses around badges. Initially as a pilot I have designed and will issue badges for the committee members of a local community network. I may also issue badges on behalf of a local environmental group for people taking steps to living more environmentally.
The first session of the MOOC has been about the use of badges in organisations which is not my main interest, but I have learnt some interesting stuff about their use but more importantly have used the DigitalMe Design canvas to design my first badge (for the community group) and have learnt about the various tools available to design and issue badges.
I know face the challenge of how to convince people in the community group about the value of badges and why they should have one - will test the ground at a meeting tomorrow and take it from there!
The other challenge for me was reminding myself about images and their creation to design the badge. Although I use the web a lot - image creation is something I have never been comfortable with.
I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities more in the next session of the MOOC and have already enjoyed reading the Open Badge Network Green paper on badges which is a very comprehensive introduction to badges.